
Transferring to M州


欢迎来到M州! We're ready to make your transfer process as smooth as possible. 如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请亚游集团官方网站的招生团队成员 info@ghaarch.com or call, text or chat 877.450.3322,或电邮 enroll@ghaarch.com.


完成 应用程序 for admission to M州.


Submit your high school/GED and all college transcripts to M州. Transcripts should be emailed in PDF format to records@ghaarch.com or mailed directly from the high school/college you attended to:

M州 Processing Center
费格斯瀑布, MN 56537


Minnesota State transcripts

If you have taken courses at another institution that is part of the Minnesota State college and university system, M州 is able to access your transcript electronically, 只要你在那个机构没有未偿还的债务. (请注意,明尼苏达大学不是明尼苏达州系统的一部分.) You will not need to request transcripts from these institutions. 然而, 您有责任通知我们新的或更新的成绩单,在首次进入亚游集团官方网站后以电子方式提供. 请使用 eTranscript Request 为m (found under Student Records, Academic Record 形式) to notify us of eTranscripts that become available.

International transcripts

在美国以外的机构学习的课程的学分转移将基于NACES认可的国际评估机构的评估,例如 韦斯 or ECE or SpanTran. If you wish to have these credits evaluated, it is your responsibility to obtain a course-by-course evaluation from one of these agencies and provide it to M州.

Transcripts from institutions not regionally accredited

在非地区认可机构修读的课程的学分转移将根据具体情况进行审查. If you wish to have these courses reviewed, you will be required to provide additional documentation (course outline, 教练证书, 以及课程时间表),然后再决定这些课程的可转学性.


想要转换通过军事教育或训练获得的学分的学生必须向官方申请 Joint Services Transcript 直接寄到M州处理中心,书院道1414号, 费格斯瀑布, MN 56537. M州 awards credit for military training based on ACE recommendations. Information is available regarding military credit transfers to institutions in the Minnesota State system.


If you have received credit through other agencies such as Advanced Placement (AP), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), DSST (Dantes), International Baccalaureate (IB), Tech Prep certificates, etc., those transcripts also should be submitted to M州 for evaluation. 你也可以利用 Transferology 有关这些考试或学分如何转移到亚游集团官方网站的更多信息.

Review transfer evaluation/interactive degree audit

Once all transcripts and any necessary supporting documentation have been received, M州 will take up to four weeks to evaluate your credits. After your transcripts have been evaluated, 你可以查看你的学位审计报告系统(DARS)审计,看看学分是如何转移到你在亚游集团官方网站选择的专业的.

Some courses may transfer as equivalent to an M州 course, 有些可能会在明尼苏达转移课程(MnTC)目标区域内分配,其他可能是选修转移学分. 有关具体信息,请参阅下面的“如何评估我的课程以进行转学”部分.

Not every course may be applicable to your chosen major. 如果你选择了一个新的专业,你在亚游集团官方网站的转学分是如何使用的.


Courses will be reviewed and considered for transfer as follows:

  • Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) Courses
    • 在MnSCU系统机构完成的课程,如果满足MnTC的任何目标区域,则亚游集团官方网站将根据课程所在机构指定的目标区域接受该课程.
      • Courses will be considered for direct equivalency to specific M州 courses. 如果等效性被授予,并且所选课程与等效M州立课程之间分配的目标区域存在差异, course will retain the sending institution's goal area(s) only.
    • 在非mnscu机构完成的课程可以通过以下方式之一获得MnTC学分:
      • If the course is given direct equivalency to an M州 course within the MnTC, it will be assigned to the goal area(s) associated to the M州 course.
      • If the course is not equivalent to a specific M州 course, it may still be assigned into one or more MnTC goal area(s).
  • Courses Not Part of the MnTC
    • 课程首先被认为与亚游集团官方网站课程目录中的任何课程具有直接的等效性.
    • 不直接等同于M州立课程的课程将被给予一般的转学分,可以作为选修课使用, depending on the student's chosen major. These courses are identified on the DARS audit with a prefix of TRANT or TECHT.
    • Any courses that are considered technical in nature are subject to the College's 近因政策 
    • 低于大学水平的课程将被指定为预备课程,不能用于满足课程要求, 虽然为了满足发展课程要求和/或课程先决条件,课程可能被视为等同于亚游集团官方网站的预备课程. 不等同于任何M州立课程的预备课程将在DARS审核中以REMDT前缀标识.

Technical transfer courses

If you have taken technical courses which you wish to transfer to M州, evaluation of those credits may take additional time. 将咨询特定项目领域内的教师,以协助确定等效性. It may be determined that, because of the specialized contents and/or skills related to those courses, course may not be equivalent to those of your chosen program.

Technical transfer courses are subject to M州's 近因政策, 哪条规定技术课程的使用期限为5年,自课程完成之日起算. Program-specific exceptions may be granted.

A student may appeal decisions regarding the Transfer of Credit Policy or Procedure. More information about how courses are evaluated for transfer, 如果你不同意转会决定,你需要采取的行动和你能做的事情可以在下面找到 Transferring to M州.

What if I disagree with a transfer decision?

As provided in the M州 Transfer of Credit Procedure, 学生可以通过提供与课程相关的额外文件来要求进一步复习课程. 如果课程是在该地区以外的机构修的,这一点尤为重要, 是很多年前拍的,或者是否有其他原因导致我们的转学专家无法获得课程的详细信息.

To request further review of a course, you must log in to eServices. In the left menu, click on "Grades and Transcripts" then "Transfer Review/Appeal.“你可以查看你的DARS审核,并按照指示对任何课程或学分进行审查. You will submit supporting documentation and comments through this tool. M州's transfer specialist will review this information. 在整个过程中,您将在esservices中看到审查的状态.

初步审查后, if you are not satisfied with the result, 您可以按照转学审查/申诉页面的指示进入下一步,在那里您可以提交额外的文件和/或理由. If you are still not satisfied with the college's transfer appeal decision, 您可以按照转学审查/申诉页面上的指示完成最后一步,以供系统办公室级别的考虑. The procedure for a system-level appeal is defined in Minnesota State Procedure 3.21.1 Undergraduate Course Credit Transfer.


如果你在另一所明尼苏达州立大学学习的一门课程成绩为D,并且被分配到MnTC的任何一个目标区域, 无论你在该机构的GPA如何,该课程都会与D成绩一起转移. Remember that if you are completing the entire MnTC or the Liberal Arts & Sciences AA degree, MnTC will need to be completed with a minimum 2.0的绩点.

在明州机构修的任何其他课程以及在明州系统以外的机构修的所有课程, 如果你在转学学院或大学的总平均成绩达到2分,那么你获得D分的课程将被接受.0或更高. If your GPA at the sending institution is below 2.0, D grade courses will not be accepted in transfer.
